Forró de

Forró de Tamanco 2024 is bringing you amazing artists in The Hague. We hope you will enjoy our line-up of bands, DJs and teachers.

For the most recent updates, check out our instagram.


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DJ Boró

DJ Boró is a Brazilian DJ and dancer. He currently lives in Germany and has showed his work at many forró parties and festivals in different countries in Europe and Brazil. His music style is heavily inspired by Luiz Gonzaga, the classic forró Pé-de-Serra, and other brasilidades mixing different styles of Brazilian music keeping the dance floor always on fire.

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DJ Ivan Lanús

Based in Amsterdam, with a lifelong love for Brazilian music, Ivan Lanús rediscovered the magic of forró through dancing and has been lighting up the parties in The Netherlands since 2017.

Drawn to the togetherness of the forró community and the uplifting energy of everyone he encountered, DJ Ivan Lanús’ passion for musical exploration and dancing continues to soar.

Come dance to this tune at Forró de Tamanco!

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DJ Miss Brown

Trish Preston, a.k.a DJ Miss Brown, has been spinning vinyl for over 20 years, blending her eclectic musical upbringing and experience from London's late 80s and early 90s underground club scene. As a professional dancer, she infuses her DJ sets with vibrant energy, often adding her funky Shakerine/Tambourine skills to the mix.

Recently, DJ Miss Brown has embraced Forró, the enchanting music and dance from Northeast Brazil, where she combines her passions for dance and DJing.

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DJ Hongsie

Hongsie is the founder of and teacher at Bora Forró but also a forró DJ! With an ear for special musical accents and a passion for dance.

She aims to synchronize rhythm on the dance floor and she bleds old and new forró tunes, switching it up, just like when she’s dancing - following and leading.


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Forró de Ká

Vibrant, playful, Brazilian – that’s Forró de KA. Since 2012, the band, consisting of the four talented Brazilians Italo Caramuru (Singer), Vitor Diniz (Flute), Alex Almeida (Accordion), and Johann Oliveira (Zabumba), has been living up dance floors all over Europe. Their unmistakable sound knows no boundaries. Here, cultures, languages and rhythms merge into a unique mix, from traditional Brazilian Forró to reggae, jazz, rock, tango and more. For all ears, hearts and hips.

Don’t miss the chance to see them at Forró de Tamanco 2024!

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Carlos Valverde & Forró Magnético

Meet Carlos Valverde, Master of Musicology and founder of dynamic groups like Flautins Matuá, Forró Pífano, La Pifada , Baraúna and Maracajú. He is also the Artistic Director of Printemps du Forró Festival, the maestro behind the magic.

His repertoire is based on compositions that are inspired by the traditional rhythms and instruments of Brazilian Music.


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Bruna Santos de Azevedo

Bruna is originally from Mato Grosso do Sul but she discovered her passion for Forró in Curitiba, in 2017. Less than a year later, she moved to Dublin and began working with the local team of volunteer Forró teachers. Since 2020 in the Netherlands she started studying more the Roots style and while actively working to establish regular classes in Den Haag, she continuously pursued professional training. As a dancer, she is well-known for her active following ability and precise leading.

Her teaching philosophy emphasizes technical skills, connection, comfort, autonomy, and discovering your own style.

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Bruna Vaz and Valmir Coelho

Bruna Vaz is from Belo Horizonte, Brazil who loves the sun and Pão de Queijo. She got to forró in 2014 started taking dance classes Pé Descalço the same year. In 2020 she moved to Stuttgart, where she helped develop the Forró scene by teaching regular classes and workshops. Her goal is to promote Brazilian culture through Forró and to actively support the growth of the dance scene around the world, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and empathy in dance.

Valmir Coelho began dancing forró in 2006 at the world’s largest forró school, Pé Descalço. He started teaching in 2011 after finishing all levels. In 2014 he did his first international tour where his performance at Stuttgart’s Forró de Domingo Festival went viral on YouTube. Valmir has toured many countries in Europe, spreading the joy of forró worldwide. Today Valmir is in in Stuttgart, Germany, teaching regular classes and helping to develop the forró community in Europe.

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Sheila Santos

Sheila is a guest teacher at various partner dance festivals and events. Between her tours in Europe and her work in Brazil, she dedicates herself to workshops, personalized classes, and training in various genres of partner dancing.

A highlight is her Professional Consulting, which has served prominent figures in the national and international partner dance scene. She is the creator of the Women Who Dance Project, now one of the largest communities of women in partner dance.

Since 2010, she has been researching new ways of relating in partner dancing, encouraging a more active role for the follower, allowing for more creativity, musicality, and personal expression during the dance, going beyond traditional roles (lead-follow) and enhancing

Don’t miss the chance of learning from her at Forró de Tamanco 2024!

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Carlos Valverde

Carlos is passionate about the dances and songs of his country, living them since his youth. His passion is communicative and contagious, he knows how to transmit the essence of these movements in a unique way.

Apart from bringing us his music, he's here to teach us about Brazilian traditional dances such as Coco, Toré, Tropé de Cavalo and Cavalo Marinho.

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Hongsie is the founder of and teacher at Bora Forró but also a forró DJ! With an ear for special musical accents and a passion for dance. She aims to synchronize rhythm on the dance floor and she bleds old and new forró tunes, switching it up, just like when she’s dancing - following and leading.